Thursday, 25 January 2007

Dutch Dare # 6

Yes... it's already been two weeks since the last dare!!! Dutch Dare number 6 is online now!!! Please participate and take a look at all these great dares at the Dutch Dares blog! This one was a real challenge to me as I already made a lo for the DD about cheese with the tittle "say Cheese".
I would like to thank you for supporting me in not smoking, thank you for the nice comments on my blog and in my e-mail, it really helps me to stay strong, and it is nice to read I am not the only one who ever tried this ;-))It has been two and a half week now since I stopped smoking, therefor I bought myself a nice present at Memory Lane Scrapbooking since I am a guestdesigner for this online shop for the months januari and februari I made a layout with some nice goodies, I give you a sneakpeek now, as soon as it is posted on the MLS site I will show you the lo.

Last but not least... the contest at Scrappies ended and I finished third... not bad considering my competition. This is the lo I made for the final round.

Got to go now, should not even be here... have an infection in my shoulder since yesterday, did not ask the docter but somehow have the feeling I should not be sitting behind my pc (bad bad girl ;-)) Thanks for visiting!


Daffie Online said...

I know you can do it!!
Call me if you have one of those 'I NEED TO SMOKE NOW" moments :)

Take care with your shoulder...

Unknown said...

Morning Mirjam... some beautiful LO's from you once again - loving the Dares - I did #6 - it's up on my blog - yours is areal stunner xx

Angelique said...

Great work ! Hope your shoulder is getting better... COME ON: Join the deck of cards challenge too !